

"Great is the Lord almighty and most worthy of praise!" Psalm 48:1. This is an exciting time for the family here at Newburgh as the Lord is blessing us! I praise God for the way in which you all allow Him to use you. I want to take this moment to especially thank you for bringing to worship a heart that is ready to meet Jesus. Each time we meet together serves only to strengthen the body and bring glory and honor to the Father for all that He has done.

But as we go through the week and Monday night turns into Wednesday ball games and we've had it up to here with work where is worship? Or where is Jesus? We need to realize that worship doesn't start with the first song and end with the song of encouragement. Remember that God seeks our continual praise. John 4:24 says "Worship God in spirit and truth." Do we really think this just means when we decide to make worship official? Paul says, "Pray without ceasing." I'm convinced that God seeks to be in constant contact with His children.

God's children. Just imagine your children not speaking with you for an entire day even though they inhabit your house. What kind of feeling would that produce? Would you be angry, sad or maybe just confused? Here you've done so much for them. You've provided a safe place to live, food and nourishment, clothes, you name it! What right do they have to...I think you're getting the picture. In 2nd Peter 1God promises to provide everything we need for life and godliness according to His own glory and goodness. We've definitely got reason to praise.

Paul in Ephesians encourages us to be "filled with the Spirit" and the command is given to "speak to one another with psalms hymns and spiritual songs". Great! Now we know how to conduct a part of our worship time! The verse does not stop there; it continues to say, "always giving thanks to the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." We must expand our worship time to all the time. Think on Romans 12:1, and our lives as a "spiritual act of worship."

It's a daily struggle and challenge to let God into all of my life. There are things I do that I wish He didn't see. Please join me in a life that attempts to give all things as praise to the Father and a life intent on building up the body of Christ.

By our lips, our service, and our lives we worship the Lord God Almighty. Worship is a key, dynamic component of The Newburgh Church Family.

- Tracy Hayford 

Knowing God and his Son… “Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” John 17:3


Together, we will seek to grow in Knowing God by Cultivating a Passionate relationship with Him through his Son, Jesus Christ. 

Making Him Known: being others-focused, with the goal of expressing and sharing the love of Jesus with the world around us.


The church was never meant to be withdrawn, isolated or to exist only to meet its own needs. Instead, the church is to be in the world, but not of the world (John 17). Being "missional" means that we will exist for the sake of inviting others into a relationship with God and Kingdom living. Newburgh Church doesn't have a missions department; it is mission.

" will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
- Acts 1:8

To Make Him Known:

  • We will take the commands of Jesus seriously and do whatever it takes to see others experience the Kingdom of God and the good news of Jesus

  • We will remain pure and holy, yet never disconnecting from the culture around us.

  • We will passionately strive to see those who have rejected the Christian faith experience the light and love of Jesus through us

  • We will see missions as all-inclusive -- both local and global and involved in “going where they are”.

  • Several Church members volunteer with Red Cross.

  • Support of the Jack Henry Gates memorial laundromat.

  • Outreach and fellowship for our surrounding neighborhood with events like “Let’s do lunch” our annual Trick-or-treat, and free movie nights.

  • Collection for Mother Teresa’s food pantry.

  • World Bible School.