What we believe


We Believe


  • We are a group of believers who love the Lord and seek only to do His will.
    We have no creed, but Christ.

  • We find the Bible to be sufficient since it is literally God-breathed.

  • We simply seek to be the church that we find in the New Testament.

  • We are not the only Christians, but we are Christians only.

Simple New Testament Christianity


The Newburgh Church of Christ is an independent congregation of Christians striving to follow Jesus Christ according to the New Testament, from which our faith and worship are drawn. As a congregation, we believe we possess no church authority beyond the Bible, as well as that all Christians are members of the one body of Christ (making spiritual unity achievable when we return to Biblical teachings). Again, our goal is that we are to be Christians only, while recognizing that we are not the only Christians. Synonymously, our church family considers itself as part of a larger fellowship of New Testament congregations, grown from the 19th century US Restoration Movement. Like others in this movement, we seek to "speak where the Bible speaks; remain silent where the Bible is silent," practice "in matters of faith, unity," "matters of opinion, liberty; and in all things, charity."

Each Sunday, we meet to remember Jesus through the Lord's Supper, prayer, song and Biblical messages. A commitment to two practices of the First Century Church throughout our worship, beliefs, and practices distinguish us from some groups of Believers today. 1) A cappella singing is used exclusively in worship, and 2) adult immersion in water for the forgiveness of sins is considered the Believer's response to the gracious work of God. In addition, according to the qualifications expressed by Scripture, our congregation chooses each of its leaders.

Past, Present and Future


The Newburgh Church of Christ congregation first assembled in the early 1990s at Camp Brosend of Newburgh, Indiana. Our church family later decided to purchase and renovate (what was formerly) a restaurant. This space, 5111 S. Plaza Drive, has been transformed into the home of our congregation's current location of worship. Just as we have looked at our church's history for growth, we, as a congregation, moreover look at the past of the New Testament for guidance. Simultaneously, we anticipate the time when Jesus comes again, meanwhile grasping the importance of helping people in the present.

Having sponsored missionaries internationally, Newburgh Church of Christ is fully dedicated to foreign mission work. Since 2004, our congregation has been actively involved in mission work in Vicente Guerrero, located on the Baja Peninsula of Mexico. Purely through annual, free-will offering, we fund the salary of Brother Gerardo Figuerora and his wife, Betty, for their ministry to the church in this region. Newburgh Church of Christ also partners with Believers locally and across the nation to conduct medical clinics, distribute food packages, teach Bible classes to both adults and youth, as well as aid in a number of building projects.

Just for You

We are pleased to maintain an interactive website here at newburghchurch.com for your convenience. Through this site, guests and members may watch services streamed live at 10:30 AM on Sundays. These services are also available for view through the site's Archive. Should you have any further questions or concerns, our Elders are open for contact via email:

Tracy, tracy@thehayfords.org
Terry, terrya.parkinson@verizonwireless.com